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Membrane switch has strict structure, beautiful appearance and good sealing. With moisture-proof, long service life and so on. It was widely used in electronic communication, electronic measuring instruments, industrial control, medical equipment, automotive industry, intelligent toys, household appliances and other fields.
OEM Specification:
New Autotex F200 Overlay Non Tactile Membrane Switch.
We are using stainless Steel Cross dome, available sizes are 8.4, 10, 12, 14 ,16mm, etc. Recommended size 10~12mm, which are more matching the actual finger pressure use.
Connector: Pin space standard is 2.54mm(common),1.0mm(common)and 1.27mm.
The selling point of membrane switch is thin and light, Presenting your requirements for thickness, let's make it.
It consists of 6 main parts like overlay, spacer adhesive, fixed dome tape, circuit adhesive, lower circuitry and back adhesive tape.