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Home / Case Study / Polycom Video Conference System

Polycom Video Conference System

Customer Finished Product

Customer Finished Product

Customer Finished Product


Customer Finished Product

Polycom is a multinational company providing end-to-end voice, video, data, and Web media collaboration applications.

More than 400,000 organizations use Polycom solutions to collaborate, with face-to-face meetings that are not restricted to location, to build more effective partnerships with colleagues, partners, customers, experts, and potential customers.

Since the re-establishment of cooperation with Polycom in 2016, the hardware built-in shielding cover, hardware bracket, exterior nameplate, logo sticker, mesh cover and panel in the project are all one-stop supply of Maxswall.Since then, do name board hardware one-stop service manufacturer has become the direction of development of Maxswall operations.


Meetting System Speaker Grille


Meetting System Speaker Grille


Meetting System Speaker Grille


Meetting System Speaker Grille

  +86 18098201397

 +86 18098201397

No.177 Jiangnan Avenue, Qishi Town, Dongguan City, Guangdong Province, China
Post Code:  523 550 
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